CropOM Ltd.
Cloud-based education platform specialized in fields of high data volumes for students and educators

Education plays a pivotal role in the distribution of new technologies, which is not different in the case of Earth Observation (EO). As the volume of available EO data increases exponentially, the approach and the working methods rapidly shift from manual analytic methods to big data and machine learning techniques.

EDU CUBE which is a project by CropOM helps universities implement the tools and practices required to keep up with the increased data volumes and new paradigms and develop courses accordingly.

Current practices of downloading, storing, and preprocessing data at the course are not adequate anymore. Datasets are huge, and data analytic working environments are complex to maintain. As a result, 80% of the time of an average student is spent on preparation tasks, and only 20% is used efficiently.

Luckily, there is a solution thanks to advancements in data technologies, cloud infrastructures, cloud-based workspaces, and online education. We take the students to a cloud-based working environment where all data and tools are prepared, managed, and maintained. Maintaining education material, data, and coding environments are already challenging for universities. We distinguish four pain points where our platform can generate significant user gains:

- Education materials (preparation and update)
- Data access and data handling
- Coding environments for practical courses
- Grading methods

They are currently looking for universities to partner with them in developing, testing, and validating our EDU CUBE platform.