Development of hand gesture recognition, based on muscle activity to control electronic devices used by astronauts
Development of hand gesture recognition, based on muscle activity to control electronic devices used by astronauts
StarGrip Ltd.
Development of hand gesture recognition, based on muscle activity to control electronic devices used by astronauts

In the unforgiving environment of space, astronauts grapple with formidable challenges, with the limitations of their space suits being among the most significant. The importance of precise manual operations in space, whether for repairing critical equipment, conducting experiments, or handling delicate instruments, cannot be overstated.

At StarGrip, we are at the forefront of developing an electromyograph (EMG)-based solution designed to empower astronauts with unparalleled precision. This innovative technology enables astronauts to perform intricate tasks by controlling electronic devices with remarkable precision and ease, addressing the constraints imposed by traditional spacesuits.

Our approach leverages cutting-edge technology, incorporating modern deep learning models to analyze biosignals from astronauts' arm muscles. By processing these muscle-activity signals, we can accurately classify intended movements, allowing for precise control. For instance, these signals can be utilized to manipulate an anthropomorphic robot hand with EMG signals alone, enhancing the astronauts' control capabilities.

We firmly believe that our technology will enhance space operations, enabling more precise manipulations during spacewalks and beyond.